Online Courses
Who we are
Jumpcut creates captivating online courses about entrepreneurship.

There are over 1.3 million college students in the United States today majoring in business, but the classes they take are hideously outdated, and irrelevant to their future careers. Business education is fundamentally broken.

Jumpcut is where the next generation of entrepreneurs will be developed. Our online courses help people develop the skills they need in order to turn their passions into a successful business.

Our first course is a comprehensive YouTube Influencer course, where the world's top influencers teach you how to create compelling, original content, develop a massive following online, and monetize your audience so that you can live a life pursuing your passions.

We all have a “before Jumpcut” and “after Jumpcut” version of ourselves.
Everybody that works at Jumpcut has one thing in common: when they look back to the day they were hired, they don’t even recognize themselves. That’s because we approach personal growth a little differently.
Meet Kong, the CEO.
He’s a retired YouTuber, French Bulldog owner, sous vide enthusiast, and college dropout turned YC founder. Now, he spends most of his time changing the landscape of online education, one course at a time. If you want the tl;dr on Kong, watch this walking (one take) interview.
5 Core Values of Jumpcut
We're building a company for the long haul. Find out which 5 core values will help fuel our growth for the next 10 years.
The Future of Online Education
We believe online education today is fundamentally broken. This is how we're fixing it.
Why We Choose Redux?
The future of education requires having the best application for our users. Find out why our engineers chose Redux.
Employee Perks
Awesome Digs
A brand new office in the heart of Hollywood at Columbia Square.
Catered Meals Daily
We get lunch and dinner catered from top LA restaurants every single day.
Open Vacation
Your work, your rules. Take vacation whenever you need it -- we don't count days.
Unlimited Perrier
Keep hydrated. Stay fizzy. Increase work output by 150% sipping on the bubbly.
Stay Healthy
Literally the best PPO plan money can buy in California, plus a wellness program.
Get Here Easily
Commuter benefits and parking stipends to help you get to work.
Sweet Spot
The latest tech for all to use, from Airs to Blackmagics
Simple IRA
Save for retirement. We match up to 3% of your contributions for some extra $$.
Join the team!
Jumpcut is a Y combinator and venture-backed startup that creates cinematic online courses for entrepreneurs.

The founding team at Jumpcut has years of experience creating binge-worthy content — we’ve created multiple viral YouTube channels that now have over 4.5 million subscribers and over 500 million views. We’re now taking that content creation experience and applying it to the monotonous world of online education.

If you’ve ever taken an online course, you already know that 99% of them suck. That’s because they all do the same thing: record a dry and uninspiring instructor who talks to the camera for hours on end. While this is fantastic for getting over an Ambien addiction, it’s atrocious for actual learning.

Think about what can be done with video: we have the ability to create things like Avatar, The Dark Knight, and Game of Thrones, but the status quo when it comes to online courses is this. In an ice cream parlor of unlimited flavors, every other online education company has opted for vanilla. We have our eye on the mint triple chocolate chip birthday cake cookie dough with strawberry whipped cream and banana nut sprinkles.

Our team is approaching online learning in a completely new way: combining educational content with compelling stories, captivating cinematography, creative soundtracks, and much more. The result is a beautiful course that feels like a movie. We believe the future of education lies in creating world-class content.

If you want to learn more about our vision, check out our blog post about the future of education.

Here’s a visual example of the difference between most online courses, and ours.

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